Titus, AD 79-81 Gold Aureus As Caesar. rv Victory on altar+serpents NGC AU
Titus, AD 79-81 AV Aureus (7.27g) As Caesar. rv Victory on altar+serpents NGC AU 5/5 Strike 2/5 Surface
Since childhood, Titus had been a part of the highest echelon of Roman society. He was at his father's side in Judaea, and when Vespasian went to Alexandria to pursue his bid to be emperor, Titus took command, conducting the siege of Jerusalem late in A.D. 70. He then returned to Rome to aid his father in government until 79, when he became emperor; Titus reigned merely two years before his own death. Two major events of his reign include the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the inauguration of the colosseum in Rome.